This is a practice that is near and dear to me; one that I have both studied, practiced, and trained in for about 12 years now, and there is so much yet still to learn! In an effort to share these important teachings, please enjoy the following recordings of this practice.

Adapted from the traditional tantric tradition, Swami Satyananda created the Bihar School of Yoga, and with it, this great practice. Yoga Nidra is both a yogic and scientific practice in the form of a meditation, which allows both the quieting of the Sympathetic Nervous System, (fight, flight, freeze, and fawn), and the activation of the Parasympathetic Nervous System, (which allows us to unwind, restore, de-stress, digest, etc), as well as an awakening of our true inner potential. You can find the text for this practice in the book here.

Rod Stryker’s adapted version of Yoga Nidra, (from the same book via Swami Satyananda Saraswati and the Bihar School of Yoga), shorter, but just as sweet. You can find the text for this practice in Rod’s book, The Four Desires.

This short, meditative practice allows for a deep, systematic relaxation by bringing awareness to various points throughout the body. If you have 5-6 minutes, this is a sweet morsel for you!